
We are constantly working on improving song2art. Here you can find an overview of recent changes and new features.


Updated GPT & Midjourney

I've fixed an issue of an outdated GPT-3 model that was causing new songs to fail. It is now possible again to analyze songs (now on GPT-4 basis). Furthermore the Midjourney engine has been updated to the latest version, which should improve the quality of the generated artworks.


Re-enabled artwork creation

The artwork creation capabilities have been re-enabled. We are running on a low cost version right now, so we might hit limits at some point. But that would be actually a good sign. :)


Lyrics Selection

A long awaited feature has been released and is awaiting your experimentation!
It is now possible to select certain lines of a songs lyrics to be used as a direct basis for an artwork.
So if you have this one phrase in mind, that would perfectly represent your song, give it a try!


Landing Page, new Artwork engine, more styles and improved workflows

Some major improvements have landed!

The artwork generation engine has been updated to the new beta version 5 of Midjourney.
This version has an overall improved image quality and less artifcats. Photographs are much, much more realistic than before.
Image upscaling is also much faster in this version.

We've also added several new styles and themes that can be chosen in the artwork generation process.

It is now also possible to select up to 4 styles to be combined in an artwork (e.g. "Airbursh Art" + "Gothic" + "80s"), which offers a lot more creativity and brings some surprising results.

We've also simplified the song request and artwork creation workflow to help users to easier create their desired artworks.

And last but not least, there is now a dedicated landing page for new users that explains the process and functionality of song2art.


Artists Page & Open Proposals

We're happy to announce two major new features today.

From the home page, you can now access a list of all known artists and navigate to the corresponding artist page.
The artist page itself shows you all the songs that we already have for an artist, including open proposal artworks.

We've recently introduced "open proposals", meaning artwork proposals for songs that the original requester did not decide upon in a certain period of time. These proposals are then being opened and visible to every user.


Generate other artwork proposals, see My open proposals list and more

We're happy to announce two major new features today.

First, you can now generate three new proposed artworks based on a songs lyrics or meaning and pick the ones that best describe this song. This will help you find the perfect artwork for your song.
Furthermore you are now able to vote on the proposed artworks whether they are a good fit for that song or not. Based on these votes, we can always show the best proposal.

Second, you can now see a list of all the open artwork proposals you still need to choose from. We understand that it can be hard to keep track of all the proposals, so we put them in a dedicated list just for you. You can find them in the My last requests section on your user menu.